Original Paper
Background: Depression detection in social media has gained attention in recent years with the help of natural language processing (NLP) techniques. Because of the low-resource standing of Filipino depression data, valid data sets need to be created to aid various machine learning techniques in depression detection classification tasks.
Objective: The primary objective is to build a depression corpus of Philippine Twitter users who were clinically diagnosed with depression by mental health professionals and develop from this a corpus of depression symptoms that can later serve as a baseline for predicting depression symptoms in the Filipino and English languages.
Methods: The proposed process included the implementation of clinical screening methods with the help of clinical psychologists in the recruitment of study participants who were young adults aged 18 to 30 years. A total of 72 participants were assessed by clinical psychologists and provided their Twitter data: 60 with depression and 12 with no depression. Six participants provided 2 Twitter accounts each, making 78 Twitter accounts. A data set was developed consisting of depression symptom–annotated tweets with 13 depression categories. These were created through manual annotation in a process constructed, guided, and validated by clinical psychologists.
Results: Three annotators completed the process for approximately 79,614 tweets, resulting in a substantial interannotator agreement score of 0.735 using Fleiss κ and a 95.59% psychologist validation score. A word2vec language model was developed using Filipino and English data sets to create a 300-feature word embedding that can be used in various machine learning techniques for NLP.
Conclusions: This study contributes to depression research by constructing depression data sets from social media to aid NLP in the Philippine setting. These 2 validated data sets can be significant in user detection or tweet-level detection of depression in young adults in further studies.
Depression is a health condition involving changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior. It represents a substantial part of mental health discussions. It affects a wide range of the public, as it can be experienced by anyone to some degree regardless of nationality, culture, gender, age, financial status, or lifestyle. The World Health Organization reported that the Philippines has one of the highest numbers of persons with depression in Southeast Asia, affecting 3.3 million Filipinos [
]. In recent years, the country has become helpless from the negative impacts of the public health emergency and economic crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Philippines’ National Center for Mental Health reported an increase in suicide-related calls received on their hotlines, from an average daily call volume of 400 in 2019 to 700 from March to August 2020. The Philippine Statistics Authority in July 2021 also reported an increase of 57% in the suicide rate between 2019 and 2020, during the height of the pandemic [ ]. The World Health Organization assessed in 2011 that, by 2030, depression will be the chief source of the worldwide disease burden.Social Media and Natural Language Processing for Depression Detection
Although depression and other mental illnesses may lead to social withdrawal and isolation, it was found that social media platforms are indeed increasingly used by affected individuals to connect with others, share experiences, and support each other [
]. A similar study in the United States concluded that internet users with stigmatized illnesses such as depression are more likely to use online resources for health-related information and communication about their illness than people with another chronic illness [ ]. It was found that depressed individuals perceived social media as a means of maintaining social awareness and consoling themselves, while nondepressed individuals perceived it as a means of information sharing and consumption [ ]. Moreover, because of the amount of complex behavioral data generated by users in social media, it has been explored in mental health research using pattern recognition, predictive modeling, classification, and categorization techniques to predict the presence of mental disorders, such as depression, suicidality, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and anxiety [ ] in social network platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Weibo, and Sina Microblog.Most of the methods mentioned are techniques used in natural language processing (NLP), which is the ability of computers to understand written or spoken language. It requires an extensive amount of data to build such models for a specific language. A language is considered a high-resource language if many available data resources exist (dictionaries, lexicons, treebanks of syntactically annotated data, all types of digitized text data such as news reports, books, social media, and other web-based data and annotated data for training depending on the NLP objective), making it possible to train machine learning models with these amounts of data. The national language of the Philippines, which is called Filipino, is based on an Austronesian language called Tagalog [
]. English is also considered a second language in the Philippines, with both English and Filipino used in written or spoken conversation, and most of the time used together in informal conversation, which forms “Taglish” (the combination of the 2 languages). Although English is a high-resource language, Filipino is considered a low-resource language. Because Filipino is a low-resource language, most NLP tasks and studies on mental health research focus on corpus building (or building depression vocabularies) to be used for other studies that need language processing [ - ].Objectives
In this work, we aim to construct depression data sets from social media data to improve Philippine resources on depression research to aid in NLP.
The main objective is to build a depression corpus of Philippine Twitter users who were clinically diagnosed with depression by mental health professionals. Related work on depression detection in social media builds data from web-based questionnaires via voluntary participation with psychologist help [
], builds data from self-declared individuals with depression on the web (clinically diagnosed or topics of self-harm) [ ], or builds data from online forums with depression topics versus other nondepression-related forums [ ]. These examples and other similar studies have attained successful results, but an extensive validation and cross-examination of the users of the data set with clinical processes and diagnosis is lacking.We also aim to develop a corpus of depression symptoms that can later serve as a baseline for predicting depression symptoms in the Filipino and English languages. Because of the low-resource standing of Filipino depression data, this corpus of depression symptoms needs to be developed to perform and measure the predictive performance of various machine learning techniques in classification tasks.
Finally, we aim to develop a language model on the basis of Filipino and English social media data, which can be used to represent text data as vectors to aid in various downstream tasks in NLP.
Given the aforementioned objectives, we first constructed a data set of Twitter users validated by licensed clinical psychologists, and from these data, we constructed another data set of depression symptoms using a manual annotation process. We proposed a language model using the word2vec [
] algorithm using web-based texts in English and Filipino.Related Work
Natural Language Processing
NLP is used by several studies to determine depression patterns or detect depression in social networks. Social media data are cleansed, segmented (separated into documents or sentences), tokenized (split into words or groups of words), and normalized (broken down into parts-of-speech, stemmed, or lemmatized to achieve root words or synsets for spelling correction and reducing complexity) in preparation for analysis. Sentiment analysis, a technique used to determine the sentiments of texts through data, is usually performed by classifying texts on the basis of polarity (positive and negative), valence or intensity, emotions, or subject dependency. Analysis may also be performed by categorizing data into ≥1 sets of “classes,” which are called “classifiers.” Such classifiers for machine learning used include regression, support vector machines, naive Bayes, and decision trees. Most recent methods convert words into embeddings or vectors (number representation of words) to perform deep learning analysis [
, , ]. Deep learning uses networks that imitate the way neurons in the brain work to solve complex problems. Using deep learning methods can determine word similarity and analogy from well-trained corpora, which can be hard to achieve from the previously mentioned methods, such as accurately determining negation cues and word context and relationships. Results from social media studies that use these methods suggest that language use has been found to be a predictor of depression [ ].Word Embeddings
For text data to be inputted as features into machine learning or neural network models, text data will need to be translated or represented into numbered vectors. Doing so makes it easier to represent words in a vector space and enables computations to be performed. It also enables words or text to be presented in several dimensions.
Several word embedding algorithms are available, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. Most of these algorithms need considerable training data to learn and create a language model. A vocabulary is created from all words existing in the training data, words are one-hot encoded (represented as 0 and 1), and probabilities of co-occurrence are computed between all the words in the training sample. One example is the word2vec model [
], which uses Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) and skip-gram techniques to train a language model. CBOW aims to predict a target word from a set of words, while skip-gram is the opposite, wherein it tries to predict the probability of a given word being present when an input word is present. While training this model, a hidden layer of n-dimensions is created, which act as features that represent a word and its relationship to other words, thereby enabling the model to learn the semantic relationship between words, such as synonyms, antonyms, superclass, and neighboring or similar words. Other algorithms are available, such as global vectors [ ], efficient learning of word representations and sentence classification (FastText), and BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) tokenizers. These models are trained repeatedly through the number of epochs, in which 1 epoch is a complete pass of the training data through the algorithm.Word embeddings can serve as an input to machine learning algorithms to be used in downstream tasks such as classification or prediction tasks for depression detection in text data.
Depression Detection in Social Media
The most common social networks used for studying depression include Twitter [
, - ], Reddit [ , , ], Facebook [ , ], Weibo [ , , ], and Sina Microblog [ ]. Owing to being high-resource languages, most of this research is for languages in English and Chinese. Detecting depressed users from these social networks is a common theme (user-level detection), with depressed users [ , , , , , , , ], self-harm [ ], and suicidal risk [ ]. Some explored the detection from depression comments or texts [ , ], which are not on a user level (tweet level or comment level). Some studies also focused on detecting the degree of depression (ie, mild, moderate, or severe [ , , ]) and early detection [ , , ].User-Level Versus Tweet-Level Depression Symptom Detection
Linguistic patterns, such as the use of positive or negative words, and social media behavior patterns, such as posting and user interaction behavior, are shown to have positive results in detecting depression [
, , ]. Although several studies focus on depression screening, most studies focus on screening the users (user level) and do not focus on the emergence of depression symptoms in social media language. The social media data that users create can help doctors have a glimpse of their mental state through daily activities [ ]. For example, on a tweet-level basis, passive daily activities can show known signs of psychological depression symptoms, such as changes in mood, activity level, sleeping and eating patterns, and suicidal ideation. This level of granularity by looking at the symptom level can aid the depression symptom tracking process and can open up opportunities to closely study depression patterns. It can also eventually lead to detection on a user level, determine the severity of depression through tweet-level symptoms [ ], or help with early detection studies.Data Collection Methods
The data collection methods for social media use specific application programming interfaces (APIs), which are a set of programmable commands that allow software interaction with certain websites.
User-Declared or Self-Declared Depression
In this method, users are identified as depressed when the self-reported sentence pattern “I’m diagnosed with depression” is matched or other patterns such as “(I’m/I was/I am/I’ve been) diagnosed depression” [
, , , ]. For the control group, users are labeled as nondepressed if no tweets containing “depress” were published in the sampling period or by selecting random users.Group or Topic Involvement or Keyword Search
Studies that made use of group involvement performed data collection for depressed users by crawling subtopic groups catered to each social media platform, for example, Reddit subreddit groups such as r/depression, r/SuicideWatch [
], and r/selfharm [ ] and Weibo’s subtopic function “SuperTopic” [ , ]. The control group for nondepressed users is from other topics not related to depression or random users. Other studies use keyword search and apply it on Twitter and Sina Microblog using seed word generation methods from words extracted from each of the symptoms of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), also with the help of psychologists [ ].Use of Depression Questionnaires
In the clinical setting, most initial screening tools make use of questionnaires for assessment by mental health experts or primary care physicians. A sample of the questionnaires from some of the previous studies that looked into depression detection are the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale screening test [
, ], Beck Depression Inventory [ ], Thai Mental Health Questionnaire [ ], and PHQ-9 [ ].Manual Annotations
Looking at the previous data collection methods mentioned, it is crucial to note that each method has its limitations and biases. Some of the studies address this through manual checking or annotation of data by psychologists or trained personnel [
, , , ].Interviews With Experts
From all the other data collection methods previously discussed, the “ground truth” method would be clinical interviews with mental health experts, as they serve as valid clinical assessments or diagnoses. Wang et al [
] used this method in their study, in which a group of psychologists diagnosed hundreds of volunteers using questionnaires and interviews. This method is the most costly and time consuming because mental health experts need to assess every participant in the study, but this removes the biases from the previous methods and makes sure that the 2 groups studied (with or without depression) are labeled correctly.Combined Modalities
The studies above show that NLP and machine learning techniques can classify depression in users or depression in user comments on social media. It can be used to identify early risks and crises as well. Combining different modalities such as text, images, social media behavior, and results from psychological studies can improve detection capability. The accuracies of the techniques discussed in this review range from 0.69 [
] to 0.925 [ ] using support vector machines, random forests, and other sentiment analysis techniques and have improved to up to 0.98 [ ] in the last 2 to 3 years with the improvement of deep learning and word embedding techniques.Philippine Studies for NLP and Depression
Initial studies for Filipino NLP act as an enabling resource for computational linguistics. This includes the Filipino wordnet project (FilWordNet) developed by Borra et al [
], which can serve as a basis for a stemmer, lemmatizer, or development of a named entity recognition system because of its manually created synsets and root words created in a dictionary format. Keen et al [ ] developed FilCon, a generated subjective lexicon that contains subjectivity scores, positivity, negativity, and neutrality polarity values. Andrei [ ] developed a Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count dictionary for positive and negative emotions using tweets, while Lapita et al [ ] developed an emotion-annotated corpus of disaster-relevant tweets.Bitsch et al [
] identified depression symptoms and categorized depression symptom categories to create a depression lexicon for pattern matching of the presence of depression symptoms. It is used as a mobile app solution. Nartia et al [ ] developed a predictive model using a decision tree for identifying the mental health condition of university students, whereas Aliman et al [ ] developed a bot that classifies potential mental health crisis tweets using logistic regression. Aperocho [ ] used a qualitative analysis approach to understand the use of Philippine English in the depressive language by analyzing the discourses posted by netizens on Facebook.Research Gaps
One of the challenges in depression detection in social media is the collection of training data. Social media offers a huge opportunity in data science as it offers a huge amount of data that can be easily collected through available APIs. The downside is that it suffers from ethical concerns, validity, and credibility. Studies must ensure that users are informed of the data collection process, in which case, most of the previous studies scraped data from free APIs and did not involve the consent of users in the process. Another issue is the validation of whether the users have experienced depression. Questionnaire methods and clinical interviews increase the validity and are most credible but are costly and challenging to implement, which is the reason why most studies can only focus on data science methods or involve psychological experts in improving the data science methodologies in these studies.
Most studies discussed are also focused on user-level detection. User-level detection not based on symptom tracking can mimic screening methods but is not efficient to implement because clinical diagnosis still needs expert help. However, a depression symptom detection model on a text or tweet-level detection that can identify symptoms over time can help identify symptoms that can complement clinical practice and improve its efficiency. Aside from this, the current Philippine studies discussed can aid depression research in NLP if the goal is to determine how polarity, emotion, or sentence structure in text data relates to depression. As per similar studies abroad that use social media to determine patterns of depression, there is a lack of data set of social media users with clinically validated depression cases and a lack of depression symptom text data sets in Filipino and English, which can act as a baseline for depression symptom detection.
This section describes the data collection and methods for data set creation for this study.
illustrates the whole methodology framework for this study. It includes the criteria for participant collection, sampling design, annotation guidelines and processes, and Filipino and English language model creation.
Study Design
This study is a 2-stage research that aims to detect depression symptom patterns in social media. It involves stage 1 (data generation) and stage 2 (depression symptom detection). This paper focuses on the first stage of generating depression data sets to be used for detecting depression symptoms in the second stage. The second stage is intended for future research in another paper.
Ethical Considerations
There are numerous ethical questions in mental health research, especially with regard to this study, which deals with social media and its various issues with privacy concerns. All participants signed an informed consent form, aiming participant understanding on what data was collected, and the privacy considerations and confidentiality measures that were applied, in addition to having complete control on what part of their data they wanted to share. Participant data were anonymized and any personal identifiable information were removed before any analysis was performed. Tweet text data were cleansed of participant names, usernames, links, and hashtags, which ensures no tweets can be identifiable and traced back to a particular user.
The UP Manila Research Ethics Board (UPMREB 2022-0135-01) have reviewed and approved all methodologies and recruitment materials before the start of participant recruitment.
The inclusion criteria for participants in this study are Filipino Twitter users living in the Philippines who speak or write mainly in English or Filipino aged between 18 and 30 years. This age group is chosen for this study as the young adults’ age group has been studied for mental health conditions and social media use (aged 18-24 years) [
], and the prevalence of suicide and depression in young adults in the Philippines (aged 15-29 and 18-24 years) [ , ].Participants are recruited from clinics and social media platforms and are asked to answer a survey form and a web-based self-assessment form which is the PHQ-9 depression questionnaire. After the web-based self-assessment, all participants are assessed by a psychologist if experiencing or diagnosed with clinical depression (in any form or severity) or otherwise. The control group is the participants not assessed with depression or any other mental health conditions. Participants who were not assessed with depression but were assessed with other mental health conditions are excluded from this study. If assessed with any other mental health conditions (posttraumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, etc), they are included in the study as part of the depression group as long as the participant is experiencing depression because these are symptoms that are said to cause or can coexist with depression [
]. In short, the control group consists of participants who are assessed to have “usual” or “typical” mental health behaviors and the depressed group consists of participants assessed with depression.illustrates the data collection workflow for this study. The participants were asked to sign a consent form for the collection of their social media data. This step informed the participants about what data will be collected and the privacy considerations and confidentiality measures that will be applied to their data. All participants were asked to share their data via the “Download an archive of your data” feature of Twitter in their account settings, which includes all historical data for an account. This step also makes sure that participants have complete control over what part of their data they want to share. Interactions with participants were performed by a mental health expert who was also on standby throughout the data collection phase should the participants experience distress and need support from a mental health professional.

Sampling Design
Nonvalidated study data sets on depression on social media (those which are either scraped from the internet via self-declared users or self-assessment questionnaires) vary from a minimum of 20 [
] to 137 users with depression data [ ]. As there are no known studies on this topic that use a data set with validated users (those whose users were examined by clinics or experts), the greatest number of validated data sets is from the study by Wang et al [ ] with a data set size of 122 users with depression.Our data collection process included an assessment session with a psychologist, thus restricting the cost of the total number of participants. Puyat et al [
] estimated that 8.9% of young adults experience moderate to severe depression in the Philippines. To attain population-proportion sample sizes for the 2 groups (persons with depression and the control group) in the study, the aim was to achieve at least 10% of the depression group from the overall participant data in this study. We aimed to gather approximately 80 participants for this study; thus, we needed at least 10 participants in the depression group. For a user-level detection of depression, a balanced class distribution (40 participants for the depressed group and 40 participants for the control group) is ideal for most classification tasks. However, because the goal is to create a data set of depression symptoms in text data (tweet-level depression detection), the balanced class is not imposed as long as the minimum requirement of 10 participants in the depression group is met. The resulting data collected from this process was tagged as data set 1, which includes labeled data of users who were “assessed with depression” (mild, moderate, or severe) or “not assessed with depression.”Data Preparation
Data Cleansing
Tweet text data were cleansed of usernames, links, and hashtags. Participants’ names are sometimes included in the tweet texts when referencing themselves during tweets; thus, these were cleansed as well. Special tokens for these cases were created, namely “xxuser, xxlink, xxhashtag, xxname.” All these types of texts were replaced via their corresponding tokens.
Some text data were removed, such as nonalphabet or nonemoji characters, punctuations, and numbers. All remaining texts were converted to lowercase. Tweet text data contain irregular words such as contractions, typographical errors, elongated words, and slang words. For English words, contractions are replaced using the Python “contraction” package. Using this package transforms the word “don’t” into “do not.” Words with repeating characters were normalized by removing the occurrence of consecutive single characters unless it is a valid English or Filipino word. Abbreviations, wrong spellings, and slang were also corrected by creating a list of words that usually occur in social media texts. Spelling correction examples are Filipino words such as “d” transformed to “hindi” or English words such as “some1” changed into “someone.” Slang correction examples are “pov” into “point of view,” “dasurb” into “deserve,” and so on. Every word in a tweet is checked whether it exists in this list that was generated for spelling correction and slang correction and is replaced by the corresponding word equivalent using Python search. Finally, emojis are transformed into equivalent text using the Python “demoji” package and tokenized using the “TweetTokenizer” package, illustrated in
Annotation Guidelines and Process
To create a depression symptom data set, a training data set 2 needed to be created in which individual tweets were manually annotated as having depression symptoms or no symptoms. Annotation guidelines were needed for annotators to be in sync for data to be well labeled and valid for the next steps. The creation of annotation guidelines was held with 2 clinical psychologists in a series of web-based sessions. The objective was to create depression symptom categories and to determine rules and guidelines for annotating tweets into the respective categories. The categories were not mutually exclusive, as they can simultaneously occur together in one given tweet.
The result of this exercise is the reviewed and finalized depression symptom categories with the psychologists. These categories are based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) criteria for depression (The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5), PHQ-9 results, and Mental Health Assessment results from this study.
shows the depression categories from the annotation guidelines developed in .Thinking, concentration, and decisions
- Unable to handle minor problems and daily activities—procrastination and academics
- Diminished ability to think or concentrate, indecisiveness, unorganized thinking, forgetfulness, slow
Interest and motivation
- Loss of energy or motivation
- Loss of interest or enjoyment of activities, such as sex, hobbies or sports
Physical: sleep
- Insomnia or sleeping too much
Physical: fatigue
- Fatigue, tiredness, or lack of energy
- Emotional, mental, or physical fatigue
- Example: Filipino context—“Pagod na ako” (in English: “I am already tired”)
Physical: appetite
- Weight loss or gain, no appetite, or increased cravings
Physical: movement
- Moving or speaking slowly
- Feelings of restlessness or agitation
- Movement issues or wanting to stay in bed
- Example: Filipino context—“Hindi makakilos, gusto lang sa kama, hindi mapakali” (in English: “I cannot move, I want to stay in bed, I feel restless”)
Substance use
- Using recreational drugs or alcohol, etc (excluding coffee, melatonin, etc)
- If a substance is used as a coping mechanism
- If the deed is already done, not if intention only
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9)—suicidal tendencies
- Recurrent thoughts of death, suicide attempts, or suicide
- Self-harm
- Overelaborate or strange ideas
PHQ-9—emotional: depressed and sadness
- Depressed mood or lonely
- Feelings of hopelessness, tearfulness, emptiness, or grief
- Breakdowns
- Emotions not induced by movies, events, or other outside triggers
PHQ-9—emotional: worthlessness and worry
- Feelings of worthlessness or no confidence, feeling misunderstood, self-doubt, or hypercritical toward self
- Feelings of guilt, fixating on past failures or self-blame, worry, discouragement, demotivation, or disappointment
- Stress, overthinking, or anxiety
- Negative thoughts and existential questions
Physical: pains
- Headache, back pains, stomachache or sexual dysfunction, tremors, or cold hands and feet
- Panic, choking, or numbness
- Pains triggered by stress (with the context of stress [eg, allergies, acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease])
- Exclude premenstrual syndrome signs or pains induced by known causes (accidents, etc), as said in the tweet
- Social withdrawal or avoiding social interaction
- Sensitivity to criticism, irritability, agitation, or angry outbursts
- Detachment or isolation
Mental health–related issues
- Tweets not pertaining to any symptoms previously mentioned but denote that the user is associated with any mental health issues, such as talking to psychologists or being aware of mental health issues, or reminiscing traumas
No symptom
- The tweet has no symptom
- The tweet does not have enough context to be determined as a symptom
Tweet annotations
- Tweet annotated as a whole, not by subsentences
Multiple symptoms
- A maximum of 3 symptoms can be annotated per tweet
- Example: “I cannot sleep nor move my body in this bed. Brb gonna die of starvation”
- Symptoms: Physical: sleep; Physical: movement; Physical: appetite
Speaker’s view
- Refrain from viewing the tweet as an outside person
Cause and effect relationship
- If any sentence builds upon a cause and reflects an effect, the underlying context or symptom in that tweet should be judged on the basis of the effect, for example, “If he wins, I will kill myself”; this will be judged as a symptom regardless of the said cause
Quotes, song titles, lyrics, etc
- Users sometimes portray their emotions or thoughts using these methods. As such, if the text suggests enough context, these are annotated as symptoms
Jokes and sarcasm
- On the basis of the context, jokes and sarcasm are annotated as symptoms
- Jokes (eg, “I will kill myself. Kidding”); symptom
- Sarcasm (eg, “Kill me now I am so bored”); no symptom
- Treated as irritability symptoms
- These are treated as a symptom if a tweet suggests a strong emotional context that denotes a symptom, for example, “I am so angry at this government it makes me worry about my future”; social, PHQ-9—emotional: worthlessness and worry
Sadness over movies, events, “missing” people, places, or things
- These are not treated as symptoms because these are triggered by outside events
Metaphors or expressions
- These are examined depending on context; with enough context, they are treated as symptoms.
- Example: “Ang sakit mo sa ulo” (in English: “You are a headache”); no symptom
- Example: “Sakit ng ulo ko” (in English: “I have a headache”); symptom
Annotation Process
The process started with the selection of tweets to be annotated. All participants were included in this selection; included tweets are dated January 1, 2021, to November 30, 2022. Retweets and non-English and non-Filipino tweets were removed. Some tweets that were empty after data preparation and cleansing steps were discarded. The tool used for annotating tweets is Microsoft Excel. After tweet selection, these tweets were all annotated by the first-pass annotator. Tweets without depression symptoms are treated as “no symptom,” and tweets that denote a depression symptom are passed on to the next 2 annotators.
These tweets checked by the first-pass annotator are tweets that significantly do not denote any depression symptoms. Examples of these texts were tweets with incomplete contexts, such as emoticon or emoji replies, responses to other tweets (random conversations in a thread), tweets with only photos, links, or other media, one-worded or vague tweets, and third-party application–related tweets (eg, Wordle).
Tweets were annotated anonymously, individually, and in a randomized order. Annotators had no knowledge of the users and of the tweets being annotated, and the annotations are based solely on professional experience, together with the guidelines provided to them. This process is repeated in 4 iterations with different subsets of the data sets in each iteration, and all annotators provided their annotations in 10 days. Tweet label categories were considered correct if at least 2 annotators selected the same symptom category. After each iteration, an annotation review is conducted within the annotators for tweets that do not have 2 agreeing annotations on the symptom category. A thorough discussion for each tweet is held until a consensus is reached among the annotators. Most tweets that are reviewed during this annotation review are due to human error, as the annotators expressed their sentiment that they intended to select a category but mistakenly selected the neighboring category. The remaining tweets needed some thorough discussions, and annotators decided together which category was most appropriate.
After the annotation process, an annotation validation is held wherein 4 to 5 random samples per category were chosen, a total of 68 tweets. These tweets were reviewed by the psychologists together with the annotators.
Measuring Annotation Reliability
The data set produced in the annotation step served as the baseline or “ground truth” when predicting depression symptoms in downstream tasks. The reliability of the annotation task can be measured by an interannotator agreement score, which measures how well multiple annotators can make the same decision for the given annotation labels or categories. This measure determines how well the annotation guidelines have been established, how well the annotation labels or categories have been identified, and how well the annotators have grasped the annotation rules. It can also measure the reproducibility of the annotation task at hand.
For this annotation task, the Fleiss κ measurement is used, as this can consider multiple annotators. This measurement also considers the possibility of the agreement occurring by chance. Raters having complete agreement will have an output of κ=1, and rates with no agreement will have κ<0. The following equation is used to compute the Fleiss κ score [
]:= (ρ_o- ρ_e)/(1- ρ_e )
Where ρ_o = observed agreement of raters and ρ_e = expected agreement of raters.
The annotation results were aggregated, and the interannotator Fleiss κ was computed using the Python package “statsmodels.”
English and Filipino Word2vec Language Model
To train a language model, several text data gathered from various sources were used. A combination of English and Filipino texts is collected. A total of approximately 4.7 GB of data were collected and trained for this model.
summarizes the sources of the data used for this language model.A word2vec model [
] was trained using the language model training data in the previous textbox as the training data set. The CBOW algorithm was used as a configuration. The model is trained with 300 features and 20 epochs with a window of 5. The window means the algorithm checks 5 words before and 5 words after the target word, which is predicted in every hidden node in the network. The algorithm outputs a word embedding, which is a 300-dimensional vector for every word included in the training data set vocabulary.Filipino Texts online (News articles, Wikipedia, books, etc)
- PALITO corpus [ ]
- Leipzig corpus [ ]
- Isawika lexicon [ ]
Twitter data set from published studies
- Yolanda data set [ ]
- Gay language data set [ ]
- Election data set [ ]
- Hate speech data set [ ]
- Emotion-annotated Tweets for Disaster Risk Assessment [EMOTERA] data set [ ]
Twitter data set by web-based crawling (created by this study)
- Mental Health PH seed words
- Self-declared depression data set from 2019
Reddit data from the program which this study is a part of
- Mental health discussions on Reddit
The first objective of this study is to construct a data set of Philippine Twitter users who are assessed by mental health experts. The second objective is to develop a data set of depression symptoms that can serve as a baseline for predicting depression symptoms in Filipino and English, and the third objective is to create a language model that can represent Filipino and English text through vector representations. The following sections discuss the data collected, constructed data sets for this study, and the language model results, which address the objectives of this study.
A total of 75 participants were assessed by psychologists and had a complete set of data categorized at the user level, with 60 assessed with depression, 12 not assessed with depression, and 3 not assessed with depression but have other mental health conditions and are excluded from the study. Further statistics in this study will include only these 72 participants (60 assessed with depression, 12 not assessed with depression). Six of these participants assessed with depression provided 2 accounts for Twitter. In total, 78 Twitter users have 577,202 tweets; 433,029 liked tweets; and a total of 1,010,231 tweets. This is the training data set 1.
and show the data collection results including the distribution and statistics of the collected data.to show the count of Twitter users, considering the 6 dummy Twitter accounts from the participants. shows the statistical summaries for the Twitter data between the depressed group and control group for tweet and retweet counts. shows the statistical summaries between the depressed group and control group for account age and mentions count. shows the statistical summaries between the depressed group and control group for follower and following count.
During the annotation task, an initial number of 438,718 tweets were selected and preprocessed. A total of 102,262 tweets were annotated by the first-pass annotator and from this data set, 11,335 tweets have been annotated by all 3 annotators. The final data set generated in this study is 79,614 tweets, with 11,163 labeled with depression symptoms (13 categories) and 68,451 labeled with no symptoms, and is named as data set 2.
During the validation for data set 2, there were only 3 tweets out of 68 randomly chosen validation tweets in which the psychologists disagreed with the category label, reaching 95.59% psychologist validation score.
shows the total counts of symptom categories resulting from the annotation task.Another validation step is used using the Fleiss κ to measure the interannotator score using the 11,335 tweets annotated by 3 annotators and 14 label categories. The agreement score is 0.735, interpreted as “substantial agreement” on the basis of
[ ] interpretation of the Fleiss κ measurement.

tweet_count | retweet_count | |||||||||||||||
Count | Mean (SD) | Minimum | 25% | 50% | 75% | Maximum | Count | Mean (SD) | Minimum | 25% | 50% | 75% | Maximum | |||
Assessed with depression | ||||||||||||||||
No | 12 | 3498.42 (3982.08) | 80 | 461.5 | 1606.00 | 5477.25 | 10,843.00 | 12 | 313.75 (569.71) | 0 | 5.25 | 29 | 405.75 | 1960.00 | ||
Yes | 66 | 6146.03 (9198.76) | 3 | 404.75 | 2313.50 | 6724.75 | 47,644.00 | 66 | 605.94 (1395.77) | 0 | 1 | 30.5 | 232 | 6670.00 |
tweet_age_days | mentions_count | |||||||||||||||
Count | Mean (SD) | Minimum | 25% | 50% | 75% | Maximum | Count | Mean (SD) | Minimum | 25% | 50% | 75% | Maximum | |||
Assessed with depression | ||||||||||||||||
No | 12 | 2429.17 (1614.81) | 599 | 904.5 | 2284.00 | 3564.75 | 5480.00 | 12 | 1674.25 (2049.69) | 24 | 169.75 | 909 | 2448.50 | 6664.00 | ||
Yes | 66 | 1780.61 (1389.65) | 101 | 609.5 | 1470.50 | 2581.75 | 4860.00 | 66 | 2959.41 (5634.60) | 1 | 145.25 | 853 | 2596.25 | 37,315.00 |
Follower | Following | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Count | Mean (SD) | Minimum | 25% | 50% | 75% | Maximum | Count | Mean (SD) | Minimum | 25% | 50% | 75% | Maximum | |||||||||||||||||
Assessed with depression | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
No | 12 | 218.17 (175.73) | 7 | 61 | 178 | 370 | 490 | 12 | 330 (364.07) | 53 | 113.5 | 174 | 395.5 | 1,169.00 | ||||||||||||||||
Yes | 66 | 252.53 (380.18) | 0 | 29 | 98.5 | 276.75 | 1,839.00 | 66 | 321.65 (393.44) | 0 | 64 | 156 | 406.75 | 1,787.00 |

Constructed Data Sets
From all 4 types of data collected in this study, 2 labeling mechanisms are applied: labeled data at a user level and tweet level. The data set of user-level annotated data is a combination of survey data, PHQ-9 questionnaire results, and Mental Health Assessment results (data set 1). The other tweet-level annotated data set was created from the previous annotation tasks from the Twitter archive data of participants (data set 2). Both data sets share the same number of Twitter users (78 users).
A complete list of data per data set is provided in
, and the summary is shown in .Data sets collected and processed in this study can greatly help both the mental health research and the Filipino language processing research in the country.
We have created a data set that includes demographic data, PHQ-9 questionnaire data, and Mental Health Assessment data. It is important to mention that all participants in this data collection were assessed by psychologists via clinical interviews. These data can be used to explore user-level depression detection of users in social media.
The annotated training data set created by this study is also a good starting point for exploring the development of depression symptom detection models because annotation rules were constructed with mental health experts and processed by 3 annotators, with guidance and validation from the experts as well. The interannotation agreement score achieved a Fleiss κ score of 0.735, which is interpreted as “substantial agreement.” This data set has also reached a 95.59% psychologist validation score on the validation data set.
Survey data (data set 1)
- Age
- Sex
- Region
- Education
- Employment
- MentalHealth_SelfRating
- MentalHealth_Services
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) data (data set 1)
- PHQ-9 score
Mental health assessment data (data set 1)
- Symptom_ThinkingConcentrationDecisions
- Symptom_InterestMotivation
- Symptom_Sleep
- Symptom_Fatigue
- Symptom_Appetite
- Symptom_Movement
- Symptom_Substance
- Symptom_SuicidalTendencies
- Symptom_DepressedSadness
- Symptom_WorthlessnessWorry
- Symptoms_Pain
- Symptoms_Social
- Symptoms
- Medical history
- Psychiatric History (current)
- Psychiatric History (past)
- History of Mental Ilness in Family
- History of Family Illness
- Religion
- Sexual Orientation
- Substance Use History
- Other providers
- Self Harm
- Suicidal Behavior
- Final Assessment
- Assessed with Depression
- Severity
- Assessment time (mins)
Twitter data (data set 1)
- tweet_daily_mean
- tweet_daily_max tweet_min_dt
- tweet_max_dt
- is_retweet
- is_reply
- mentions_count
- tweet_count
- retweet_count
- favorite_count
- tweet_age_days
- isretweet_percentage
- isreply_percentage
- isowntweet
- isowntweet_percentage
- createdAt
- blocked
- follower
- following
- mute
- lists_created
- lists_member
- lists_subscribed
- protectedHistory
- twitterCircle
Twitter data (data set 2)
- id
- full_text_cleaned
- Final Symptom Category 1
- Final Symptom Category 2
- Final Symptom Category 3
Raw data | Data set 1: User-level depressed vs nondepressed | Data set 2: Tweet-level depression symptom category |
Survey data | ✓ | —a |
PHQ-9b | ✓ | — |
Mental health assessment | ✓ | — |
Twitter data archive | ✓ (summarized—means, averages, etc) | ✓ (annotated) |
Summary | 72 users (78 Twitter users): 60 assessed with depression; 12 not assessed with depression | 78 Twitter users (6 dummy accounts); 11,163 tweets (depression symptom); 68,451 tweets (no symptom) |
aNot applicable.
bPHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire-9.
Depression Symptom Between Depressed and Control Groups
Data set 2 (tweet-level depression symptom category) was created by annotating depression symptoms of anonymized data from both the depressed and nondepressed groups. By doing this, we remove the bias that these symptoms can only be experienced by the depressed group. Depression still faces many challenges with the diagnosis because the symptoms also occur in other conditions, and these symptoms can be experienced by nondepressed users all the same. Every person experiences a lack of sleep or common emotions such as sadness, worry, disappointment, rage, and physical symptoms of headache and fatigue every now and then.
shows this comparison of the amount of depression symptoms recorded for depressed and nondepressed groups. Further studies can be done on analyzing these depression symptom patterns and comparing the differences in how both groups experience these symptoms and how these symptoms are revealed through language use.
It is interesting to note that some symptoms of PHQ-9-suicidal tendencies, are also detected in the nondepressed group. These are tweets containing talks about death, for example, “if i die i die i do not even care anymore” or “i just want to be dead face with tongue xxlink.”

Word2vec Language Model Results
A language model trained with ample data can be a powerful tool if it can capture semantic relationships between words. Because word embedding features can capture a word’s representation in several dimensions, the more it can capture these features, the better results we can achieve when training our models on downstream tasks such as classification and prediction tasks.
illustrates a sample word vector output from this algorithm.The language model created is a combination of Wikipedia articles, news articles, books, and data sets specific to web-based language, such as Twitter and Reddit data sets. There are also depression-specific topics included in these data sets to better model the depression patterns in natural language in social media. Finally, English and Filipino are both included in the data sets, with purely English text, Filipino texts, and a combination of the two. This is to model both languages in a single vector space, because “Taglish” is the common language used on the web, with direct code switching between words in both languages.
To check the language model’s ability to capture both languages, the cluster embeddings of words and how they look in a 2D space are presented subsequently. To plot these words, each word is transformed into its 300-dimensional vector and is fit into a KMeans model of ≥2 clusters. In KMeans, data points are grouped together based on certain similarities. Centroids are determined, which are representations of the location of the center of each cluster, and observations are assigned to each cluster with the nearest mean. In this test case, we check if certain words belong to a cluster, specifically comparing if the language model can determine words from symptoms and cluster them correctly.
illustrates our first test case to show word relationships.We also look at semantic relationships captured by the language model. Several examples below show word analogies using cosine similarities between word vectors. Neighboring words are words that are most similar to a target word in the vocabulary on the basis of this cosine similarity. Positive words contribute positively toward similarity, and negative words contribute negatively.
illustrates our second test case to show similar words.Looking at the analogies captured by the language model using cosine similarities to compute positive and negative word relationships through word vectors,
shows examples of correctly captured relationships by the language model.A language model can never fully capture a language as it can only learn what it has been trained on. Some aspects may not be captured, such as examples in
. There are also some issues with biases, for example, with gender bias in the training data, as shown in .The Filipino and English language models developed in this study can be used for research on other downstream tasks such as classification, labeling, and named entity recognition tasks. It can also be used on non–mental health research tasks and is best for tasks focusing on the Filipino and English languages in social media data.

Data Set Limitations
Age Group Limitation
The population included in this study focuses on the young adult population (aged 18-30 years). The created data set may not be generalizable to other population samples as the language and social media use of individuals may be different within different age demographics.
Tweet Symptom Annotation Limit
In this study, a maximum limit of 3 symptoms per tweet is enforced as part of the annotation guideline. This is aimed at simplicity because of the complex nature of the annotation task. Aside from the number of tweets to be annotated, several depression categories are also considered, which proved quite challenging for the annotators. For binary label classification tasks (depression symptom vs nondepression symptom), this limitation may be ignored as the presence of at least one symptom is considered a depression symptom label. Multilabel classification tasks (14 symptom depression categories) should be considered as a limitation of the created data set, as some symptoms may not be included in some tweets.
Data Imbalance
This study ensures the validity of depression screening for each participant, requiring multiple data collection workflow steps and the participation of both participants and mental health experts. Because of the limited slots for expert assessment, the data collected shows an imbalance between the participants for the depressed and control groups. This data set imbalance might be worth noting for user-level depression detection studies, but because the goal of this study is to create a tweet-level annotation of depression and not on a user level, the data imbalance on the user level is insignificant. However, it is useful that all participants were assessed by experts, so the results of all tweet-level analyses can be routed back or compared with user-level analyses, which unfortunately is not a scope of this paper but can be explored in the future.
Another class imbalance in this data set is the distribution of sex. In this data set, 85% are female participants (61 female and 11 male participants). This may be attributed to the higher prevalence of depression in female individuals among young adults in the Philippines [
], while some similar studies on web-based mental health intervention show similar patterns of gender imbalance where participants are mostly female [ ]. These data set limitations should be noted when doing data analysis on the resulting data set.Conclusions and Future Work
Valid data sets need to be constructed to develop solutions to identify depression patterns through NLP and machine learning. This study aimed to help in the area of depression research through the construction of depression data sets from social media to aid NLP in the Philippine setting. The proposed process included interdisciplinary methods between psychology and data science methods, implementing clinical screening methods with the help of psychologists. A total of 72 participants were assessed by psychologists and provided their Twitter data, with 60 assessed with depression and 12 not assessed with depression. A baseline data set of depression symptoms in tweets was created by manual annotation in a process constructed, guided, and validated by psychologists. In total, 13 depression categories and 1 no symptom category were identified during this process. This annotation process was done by 3 annotators, accomplishing a substantial interannotator agreement score of Fleiss κ of 0.735 and a 95.59% psychologist validation score. From this task, a total of 79,614 depression symptom–annotated tweets are created. A language model using the word2vec algorithm is also created, which can represent text into numbered vectors and can be used in various machine learning techniques for NLP. This study created several validated data sets that can be used further to enhance depression research in the Philippines.
For future research, 4 directions can be explored. (1) This study suggests future research to apply the methodologies performed in this study to improve the class imbalance and size of the data sets. The data sets can be further expanded to collect more users and Twitter data, and the annotation process of detection symptoms can be expanded into more tweets. (2) The data sets in this study can be used to explore the creation of depression symptom detection models in social media data using machine learning techniques on a tweet-level detection. (3) The data sets in this study can also be used to explore the creation of user-level depression detection using social media behavior data, PHQ-9 data, and demographic data. (4) Finally, depression symptom patterns can be explored further in depth between the depression and nondepression groups in this data set, as both groups contribute to the depression symptoms data set, and both show some level of depression symptoms.
The authors are grateful to all participants for their interest and contribution, who believe this research will open doors to mental health research opportunities in the country. Furthermore, the authors would like to thank reviewers for their support and influence in shaping our methods and results and #MentalHealthPH and other clinics and organizations for helping them in participant recruitment. This work was funded by the University of the Philippines (UP) System Emerging Inter-Disciplinary Research Program (OVPAA-EIDR-C09-07).
Data Availability
The data sets generated during and analyzed during this study are not publicly available due to the sensitive nature of the respondents in this study, but are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Conflicts of Interest
None declared.
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API: application programming interface |
CBOW: Continuous Bag of Words |
DSM-5: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition |
NLP: natural language processing |
PHQ-9: Patient Health Questionnaire-9 |
Edited by A Mavragani; submitted 10.10.23; peer-reviewed by J Magadia, M Remolana, AJ Li, C Entwistle, X Ren; comments to author 15.03.24; revised version received 29.04.24; accepted 02.07.24; published 04.09.24.
Copyright©Faye Beatriz Tumaliuan, Lorelie Grepo, Eugene Rex Jalao. Originally published in JMIR Data (https://data.jmir.org), 04.09.2024.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Data, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on https://data.jmir.org/, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.